When most people think of kayaking, they picture ultra-svelte people decked out from head to toe in skin-tight Lycra. Sure, you may see people like that out on the water, but in no way, shape, or form is kayaking a sport aimed at only the skinny.

That said, larger people do need to take some extra advice when they're picking up a new kayak. No need to worry – there's almost certainly a bunch that can accommodate you, but it's worth keeping the following tips in mind.

Respect the Weight Limit

Lots of people don't bother paying attention to the weight limit of a kayak, but it's something you should do if you're on the larger side. Even if the kayak stays afloat, it could sit low in the water and make paddling a lot harder. Sure, it can be annoying to find a kayak that looks great only to discover that it has a low weight limit, but respect that limit you must. Also, remember that it's not just your weight that counts. You also need to factor in all the gear that you're going to be taking with you.

Look for Wider Instead of Longer

If you bring more weight to a kayak, you need to ensure that weight is properly distributed. That's a lot easier to do when the kayak is wider, and that added width is going to greatly improve stability. This is where you need to be careful about the weight limit. Many kayaks with a high rating will be longer ones built for extended journeys. If you want yours for fishing, river or lake trips, or really anything that isn't a multi-day excursion, a longer kayak is going to be bothersome to use on the water. So, weight rating matters, but make sure you pick up a kayak with the right weight rating and the right shape.

Seek Out Wide Openings

Any kayaker is at risk of capsizing. It comes with the territory, and it isn't anything to worry about. Of course, the important thing is that you can slip in and out of the cockpit easily without getting stuck. If the entrance to the cockpit feels a little on the tight side, you need to look elsewhere. Okay, you should be able to wriggle out, but can you imagine how much harder that little manoeuvre is going to be when you're disorientated, underwater, and quite possibly dealing with a strong current?

For more information, contact a business such as Wetspot Water Sports.
