Northern Australia is a wonderful part of the country in which to set up camp in a camper trailer. The vast area contains varied landscapes and beautiful coastlines. Unfortunately, the Australian weather can be just as diverse as the landscape, which means that during the spring and fall seasons, you may be enjoying beautiful sunshine one minute, only to be battered by a tropical storm the next. Below is a guide to the actions you will need to take if a tropical storm approaches your camper trailer.

Collect any unsecured items and bring them inside the camper

Once your camper is parked and set up, it is likely that you will bring chairs, tables, cups, and other loose items out from the interior of the trailer. However, the high winds associated with a tropical storm can blow these items away. While you may not be worried about a reclining chair blowing away in the wind, you should also keep in mind that unsecured objects could become deadly projectiles if they are caught in a very strong gust of wind. At the first sign of a tropical storm, you should quickly collect any unsecured items and take them inside the trailer.

Unplug electrical equipment

Finally, you should remove any electrical equipment from the plug sockets in your trailer. If your camper trailer is unlucky enough to be hit by lightning, this could cause severe damage to any electrical equipment which is still connected.

Reposition the camper away from nearby trees or power cables

Tropical storms will often generate high levels of electrical power. This power is discharged in the form of a thunderstorm. If a tropical storm is heading your way, you will probably see flashes of lightning in the cloud before it reaches you. Your first job is to check if your camper trailer is positioned near any trees or underneath a power cable. Lightning will tend to strike the highest point. If this point is a tree or power line, it is quite possible that the intense heat of the strike combined with the high winds could bring these structures down on top of your trailer. If you feel you are too close to any potential hazard such as the ones listed above, you should drive your camper to the nearest assembly point and then take cover either in the trailer itself or in any buildings which are nearby.

If you would like to find out more about how to prepare your camper trailer for a tropical storm, you should contact a camping supplier today.
